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Urgent matter that requires immediate attention

We are reaching out to all our valued clients using the Better Search Replace WordPress plugin, due to an urgent matter that requires immediate attention. There has been a discovery of a critical vulnerability in this particular plugin, which could put your website at risk if left unresolved.

This issue, if not addressed quickly, might lead to unwanted circumstances such as loss of vital information or possible security breaches. To mitigate these risks, we strongly advise you to immediately update your Better Search Replace plugin to the latest version.

The team behind Better Search Replace has promptly developed and issued a crucial security update. The most recent version rectifies this vulnerability and enhances the overall performance of the plugin, ensuring optimal security and functionality for your websites. This emphasizes their commitment to delivering reliable services and meeting high-security standards.

Here are the steps to update your plugin:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Click on “Plugins”, followed by “Installed Plugins”.
  3. Find the “Better Seach Replace” plugin and click on “Update Now”.

If automatic updates are enabled for this plugin, the new update would already be installed. However, we encourage manual verification to ensure the highest level of security.

NOTE: Not all of our clients use this plug-in but we ask that you confirm if action is required or not.

For those who are utilizing an older version of WordPress where automatic updates may not be available, reach out to us through the Press Hero Ticket System.

Your website’s safety is our highest priority. By taking immediate action and updating the Better Search Replace plugin, you can protect your website from potential security risks. We highly recommend regularly checking for and installing updates to keep your system up-to-date and safe.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this critical issue. Should you need further assistance, feel free to get in touch with us, and our support team will be happy to help.

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