I hope you can agree you should use your website for lead generation. Of course, it could also process sales for your product or service in your online store. It probably serves as a method of sharing information or is a portal to other resources. But its number one job should be to find new potential customers to fill your sales funnel.
As part of your marketing strategy, you must think of your website as more than a high-performing business card or brochure. You can broadcast all the information you want online, but until you capture the name and contact information of a prospect, the lead generation cycle is incomplete.
So how do you collect prospective client information?
Typically, when you use your website for lead generation, it begins when a website visitor arrives on a landing page. The page includes a call-to-action button, commonly referred to as a CTA. The button links to or sits below a form to collect information.
But how do you encourage visitors to click?
Optimization Tips to Use Your Website for Lead Generation
Collecting prospective customer information isn’t as simple as adding a form and waiting for visitors to click it. First, they need to find your CTA and be interested enough to want to learn more. Then they need to want to click the button. And finally, they must share their legitimate contact information by filling out a form.
Include Forms on High Traffic Pages
Make it easy for potential customers to find your CTA. Analyze your current traffic to determine where the visitors coming from. Does traffic to your website originate from email marketing, social media, popular blog posts? Ensure there is a form to collect information on the pages already getting the most traffic.
Focus Content Marketing Efforts on High Traffic Pages
Make sure content on landing pages most traffic arrives on is engaging and provides answers to what they seek. Lead nurturing is critical if you want to use your website for lead generation. You want them to like what they see and crave more information.
If a topic appears to be more popular than others, you may ask for their contact information to gain access to more detailed information on those topics. This can definitely help build your email list and generate more leads.
Make Your CTA Clickable
Consider what might encourage most prospects to click. These are great options to consider:
- Free trial of your services
- Downloadable E-books, videos, or checklists
- Sign up for a newsletter subscription
- Live chat
Ensure you include a benefit to the customer for clicking the CTA so they know they will get value in return. For example, “Save Money and Time with Unlimited Support”. Then make sure you deliver what you promise.
Keep your CTA simple and attractive. Use persuasive language and bright, contrasting colours so visitors don’t miss it. Pique their curiosity to create desire and establish a sense of urgency that feeds into that curiosity.
Follow the formula of identifying common problems or pain points and make the visitor feel that pain. Then offer the solution in your CTA.
Confirm the Contact Information is Real
When you use your website for lead generation, it’s important to close the cycle. Many lead generation website owners focus on the landing page, the buttons, and the form, but forget about the last steps. Once the prospective client fills out their information, you should send them to a Thank You Page.
A thank you page provides a great opportunity to include a link to download information, invite them to like your social page or any other action to take while they wait to hear more from you. A bonus step is sending a kickback email. This not only ensures the information they provided is legitimate but gives you one more opportunity to share a download link or invite further action.
To use your website for lead generation, you must collect the names and email addresses of potential customers. Provide an attractive call to action on landing pages visitors frequent and enjoy. Encourage them to click it and give them a solid reason for filling out the form. Deliver what you promise by establishing trust as you lay the groundwork for your next step: converting leads into customers.