There are a variety of things to consider when deciding the length of your blog post. The main question you should be thinking about is what the article is geared for. Are you trying to rank on search engines or trying to appeal to your audience? There are minimum word counts you should consider for each purpose. That being said you should try to please search engines and your audience with each and every article. Always be mindful of the quality of your content, because your audience is. No matter how many words are in your articles they have to be worth reading.
Now you know
Search Engines Like 300 Word Articles
When writing primarily to please search engines your article has to be at least 300 words. This should always be your minimum because anything less than that will not get either search engine or audience recognition. This minimum requirement ensures focus keywords and LSI keywords are noticed. This length is long enough to allow the important information on the page to be indexed. The 300 words is enough to ensure search engines that your text is unique and not plagiarism. So 300 words is a sweet spot that is sure to improve the search listings for the article with minimal work.
Readers Want to Be Entertained For Seven Minutes
Readers on the other hand prefer a good read and seem to like a seven-minute timeframe to do this. This translates to roughly 1,600 words. These are considered cornerstone articles. It is important to ensure these articles are tied to key components of your core purpose in writing. On the SEO side of things, long articles will also rank better, bonus. However, most importantly here, having articles of this size on your page is a requirement to keep viewers coming back.
Mixing It Up
Let’s face it, most people do not always have time to write 1,600-word articles. The practicality of 300 words a blog is much more achievable. The beauty is both these lengths do great things for SEO and readership. A page is best balanced when it has both. Having cornerstone articles will help guide your reader to your smaller articles, as long as you have focused on your reader in your condensed 300-word blogs, both will keep them reading. Having both smaller articles and larger articles on your site is highly recommended and shows search engines and readers your site is not just thin content.